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Linkyk.com - paste text and share with your friends

The quickest way to share text & images with other people - 5 million users around the world know about it


Why is Linkyk.com so special?

Anonymous by default,

We offer high level of privacy for both writers and readers. You don't have to create account to publish something. You can be sure that information about your activity on the site won't be used by advertising or social media companies.

Easy to use text editor with text formatting feature

Just paste text from another web page or a word processor. The text formatting and images will be preserved.

Pictures and movies

You can easily add images to your notes by dropping them on selected area or you can paste images directly from the clipboard into the editor. Embed YouTube videos simply by putting URL in separate line, e.g. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxxxx

Short URLs with jpst.it

Each note has a good-looking, short URL that can be used on social network sites.

Save notes as PDF

Your notes can be downloaded as PDF files.

Set expire terms

Your notes can expire after specific date, when someone reads them or both.

Ask for Captcha verification

Distinguish real users from bots. Allow that your content be only accessed by humans.

More for Registered 

 can share private notes, collect favourite articles and subscribe specific topics.


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